Sensory Design is a company created in 2019 from the growth of About Solution. We are a market research agency specializing in sensory and consumer science and in discriminative and descriptive evaluation of products with trained sensory panels.
We have our own facilities in the center of Curitiba/PR and other cooperative facilities in the entire Brazil territory.
Sensory Design applies advanced market and scientific research tools to fully understand and quantify the sensory experience that products deliver to consumers. We provide all the insight tools and the highest data quality for companies’ decision making.
Operating in the market since 2010, after the creation of Sensory Design, About Solution began to operate exclusively in training and postgraduate courses in the area of Sensory and Consumer Science.
Our mission
"Our mission is to innovate in project management and sensory consumer studies, applying advanced market research tools to fully understand the sensory experience that products deliver to consumers and provide the highest data quality for companies' decision making.”
Sensory Design
Check out our main differentials below:
We apply advanced market and scientific research tools and we obtain the best interpretation of the results to obtain the necessary reliability in the strategic decisions of your company. We deeply explore the data to bring more results from the same research.
With over 30 years of experience, we have the necessary expertise to choose the right method for your project’s needs, ensuring the correct diagnosis and the achievement of your goals. We design intelligent, implicit and emotional questionnaires.
We are pioneers in Brazil in the application of innovative sensory research methodologies with consumers and we are exclusive partners of “The Institute for Perception”, certified to apply the LSA™ method (Landscape Segmentation Analysis).
Our customers are our reference

Silvia Deboni Dutcosky
Chemical Engineer with over 35 years of experience in R&D field. Specialist in sensory and consumer science from Davis University (California-USA). PhD in Food Science (UEL-2004) and Post Doctorate (UFPR-2014) in innovation management area – Study of ROI with the results of consumer sensory research. She managed R&D teams and innovation projects and has solid experience in integrated projects with marketing. She provided technical consulting to more than 20 companies. Author of the book SENSORY ANALYSIS 5ª edition in Portuguese. Coordinator of the Sensory Analysis Committee ABNT CEE 174 – ISO member.
Our Team

Daniela Gava Citadin
Sensory Scientist, graduated in Food Engineering, PhD in Chemical Engineering (UFSC, 2018), Master in Food Engineering (UFSC, 2007) and Post-graduated in Sensory and Consumer Sciences (About Solution, 2021). She has solid experience with sensory analysis, is currently a member of Sensory Analysis Committee ABNT CEE 174.
Daniela Gava Citadin
Sensory Scientist, graduated in Food Engineering, PhD in Chemical Engineering (UFSC, 2018) and Master in Food Engineering (UFSC, 2007). He has solid experience with sensory analysis, is currently a member of Sensory Analysis Committee ABNT CEE 174 and is taking a post-graduate course in Sensory Sciences and Consumer Studies. Worked for approximately 10 years in the food industries, in the areas of quality control and research and development.

Amanda Caroline
Amanda Caroline de Oliveira Calazam is graduated in Chemical Engineering and Technician in Food Production and Management (SENAI-PR). She has four years of experience with quantitative descriptive sensory profile.
Amanda Caroline de Oliveira Calazam
Panel Leader and Sensory Laboratorist, student of Food Engineering and Technician in Food Production and Management (SENAI-PR). He has three years of experience with quantitative descriptive profile analysis.

Elaine Berges da Silva
Consultant, graduated in Food Engineering (UFV, 1995), PhD in Food Technology (UNICAMP, 2011); Master in Food Technology (UFPR, 2004); post-graduated in Industrial Administration (FECAP, 1998) and Marketing (ESPM, 1999). Experience in Research and Development of New Products and Shelf Life Studies in the Food Industry. Lecturer in the post-graduate course in Sensory Sciences and Consumer Study at About Solution, in the Sensory Marketing module. Coordinator and professor of the Food Engineering course at UNISO.
Elaine Berges da Silva
Consultant, graduated in Food Engineering (UFV, 1995), PhD in Food Technology (UNICAMP, 2011); Master in Food Technology (UFPR, 2004); post-graduated in Industrial Administration (FECAP, 1998) and Marketing (ESPM, 1999). Experience in Research and Development of New Products and Shelf Life Studies in the Food Industry. Lecturer in the post-graduate course in Sensory Sciences and Consumer Study at About Solution, in the Sensory Marketing module. Coordinator and professor of the Food Engineering course at UNISO.

Caroline Novaes Galvani
Graduated in Chemical Engineering (PUC-PR, 2022). She has experience in EHS in the food industry and currently works as Panel Leader and Sensory Laboratory Specialist.
Caroline Novaes Galvani
Graduated in Chemical Engineering (PUC-PR, 2022). She has experience in EHS in the food industry and currently works as Panel Leader and Sensory Laboratory Specialist.
Our facilities

Universities and Research Institutions

International Partner